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Villa Sordi (1958-1959) Aldo Bernardis

Lignano Pineta - arco del Maestrale ang. raggio del Bisato

Lignano Pineta, Görlich editore, Milano 1960

The building is characterized by a broad roof that imparts a figurative quality and accentuates its introverted character, as if it were a refuge for the renowned actor. The roof is supported by a series of concrete frames arranged at an obtuse angle, which fulfill their static function while creating a rhythmic pattern on the facades. This feature, also common in other works by Bernardis, highlights his skill in controlling structural forms, an expertise honed through his long collaboration with Marcello D'Olivo and the Ursella firm.

Lignano Pineta: An Urban and Architectural Revolution (1947-1959)

After World War II, Italy's reconstruction accelerated tourist development, with a particular focus on housing needs. In Lignano, designers carried forward the results of the debate on housing, advancing an experimental architectural culture. The Lignano Pineta plan, drafted by Marcello D'Olivo, was a fundamental act of urban regeneration, marked by a new urbanistic and architectural mindset that redefined the relationships between man, nature, and architecture.

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